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[celtadelta] Innovations in English teaching. Инновации в методике преподавания английского языка (2023)


Команда форума
38 390

05.03.2023 Online

Повышение квалификации за 1 день
4 мировых спикера
8 ак.часов концентрированной информации

Кому точно будет интересно

Преподавателям английского языка
Вы сможете более эффективно обучать студентов.
Мотивированные ученики будут выбирать именно вас!
Вы узнаете о возможностях использования разнообразных методов обучения

Методистам языковых школ
Вы получите идеи для совершенствования образовательного продукта,
а также полезные наработки и практики от мировых лидеров методик из первых уст.

Владельцам или руководителям языковых школ
Вы будете на шаг впереди других!
А сотрудники будут благодарны такому руководителю!

То, чего не будет больше нигде

WOW! Легендарный Stephen Krashen
с новыми наработками и исследованиями!

— Тщательно подобранные спикеры, которые дадут полезную и применимую «здесь и сейчас» информацию.
— Исключаем любые рекламные доклады, потому что каждый проходит обязательную модерацию.
— Только актуальные и новые материалы в области методики преподавания

Stephen Krashen
is currently Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Southern California. Krashen has contributed to the fields of bilingual education, neurolinguistics, second language acquisition and literacy. He is currently the most widely cited scholar in the world in the area of second language acquisition.

Anna Kashcheeva
Founder of Teacher-Mentor Learning Community, MSc in Educational Management from the University of Portsmouth, EFL Teacher, CELTA and Delta trainer Anna Kashcheeva delivers a wide range of online and offline training courses including exam preparation, teacher training and specialism ones such as CELTA & DELTA, EFL Methodology, Teaching Young Learners, Teaching One-to-One as well as designing more tailored courses for different educational establishments.

Olga Connolly
Senior Methodologist at English for Yandex Practicum CELTA and Delta trainer, MA in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (UK)

Olga has been involved in teacher training for more than 15 years, and she has worked as a Director of Studies at BKC-IH Moscow. Since 2020 she has been working as a syllabus developer, materials designer and editor. She continues to run teacher training and teacher development courses and providing methodology consultancy.

Irina Grekova
Irina has been working as a Director if Studies at BKC International House for many years, developing and running a wide variety of Teacher Training programmes. Since 2004 she has been working as a CELTA trainer and later as an assessor, running intensive and part-time CELTA courses around the world. At the moment, she continues training teachers and teaching BE and GE classes trying to adapt to and develop the online teaching skills.
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